Sosialantropolog fra Malaysia med blikk for Norge sett utenfra, skriver her om samfunn og politikk.
Migrant Integration Policy Index
The Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) measures policies to integrate migrants in 25 EU Member States and 3 non-EU countries. It uses over 100 policy indicators to create a rich, multi-dimensional picture of migrants' opportunities to participate in European societies. MIPEX covers six policy areas which shape a migrant's journey to full citizenship
Key findings
Overall rankings
Labour market access
Family reunion
Long-term residence
Political participation
Access to nationality
Norges resultat sammenlignet med de andre 27 land i undersøkelsen.
Look to Sweden. Not to Denmark.
Migration Policy Group har, i tillegg til indeksen som omtales her, også laget en vurdering av Norges anti-diskrimineringsarbeid. Den viser at Norge fortsatt har et stykke å gå.